Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Can't believe the 2012 Holiday Season is upon us!!  Recently, Jean Bodie posted something in an ExMormom Facebook group about needing alternate words to "Silent Night," because she can't choke out "Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child" anymore.  So of course, my brain cells started churning, and below is the result.

Of course, since this "Carol" is in the LDS Hymn Book, I'm including this one in my ExMormon Hymn Book and counting it toward my goal - which, with this one, I have now reached since this is #75.  Of course, since I have already have ideas for others to write, I'm going to just keep going until I totally run out of concepts.  There are a few other Holiday Songs for which I am going to attempt writing new words, including "O Holy Night" (since someone else in that Facebook group said that he would appreciate it if I could write secular words to that one since it is his favorite and it is "just too damn religious").  So stay tuned for that one... and some others...

And now, without further ado, here is my version of Silent Night (and there's not a virgin in sight)...

Sung to the tune of Silent Night, #204

Silent night, peaceful night,
All the world, draped in white,
Drifted snow all over the ground,
Such serenity, nary a sound,
Fills my spirit with love,
Fills my spirit with love.

Silent night, peaceful night,
As I gaze, such a sight.
Peacefulness is filling my soul,
Love surrounding me, making me whole.
As I stand here in awe,
As I stand here in awe.

Silent night, peaceful night,
Fills my heart with delight.
Fantasies play out in my mind,
Winter wonderland, beauty defined,
Pure tranquility now,
Pure tranquility now.

Diane Tingen

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