Thursday, February 28, 2013


It never ceases to amaze me that there are very intelligent people who are members of the Mormon Church, and yet they seem to suspend their intellect in order to continue to believe in Mormonism.  Take my brother, for instance.  He is a very intelligent man who has a Master's Degree in Library Science (albeit from BYU).  He has been Assistant Director of a library in a Georgia town for many years.  He has a lot of information stuffed into his brain - and what he doesn't know off the top of his head, he can find in an instant.  But when it comes to the Mormon Church, he epitomizes the edict to "just believe."  No critical thinking seems to be going on - at least, not as far as Mormonism is concerned.

From 2006-2010, I lived in Georgia - and when I first moved there, I told my brother that I had not been to church in almost two years.  Of course, he said, "Well, it's never too late to go back."  When I told him that I didn't want to go back, he said, "It all boils down to whether or not you believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God.  If he was a Prophet of God, then it's all true.  But if he wasn't, then it's all a lie.  As for me, I believe that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God who restored the gospel in these latter days, and so I believe that the Mormon Church is the Word of God."  It amazed me at the time just how rote he sounded - almost like a recording.  But then, since our parents joined the church when I was only 10 months old, and he is 17 months older than me, he was brainwashed from a very young age just as I was.  Sadly, though, he has never progressed to the point of really questioning it, in earnest.  At least, that's the way it seems.

Why doesn't evidence mean anything to the Mormons?  Facts do not lie.  But they don't seem to be concerned with evidence or facts.  Any time something comes up that doesn't make sense, they go into auto-pilot and repeat this mantra:  "We are mere mortals and do not understand the ways of God.  We cannot understand everything in this life, but if we remain faithful and endure to the end, then our minds will be opened to all things and we will know that it was worth it."  I heard this little speech from my late father so many times over the years that I lost count. 

So here is my 88th LDS Hymn Parody - and truly, when it comes to Mormonism, Who's Really Thinking???
Sung to the tune of Who’s on the Lord’s Side? - #260
1. Who’s really thinking? Who?
Within the Mormon Church?
We ask it with concern,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
They simply go along,
Have faith and just believe.
But it is all a fraud,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Within the Mormon Church?
We ask it with concern,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
2. Though Mormonism claims
To be The One True Church,
That claim is fraudulent,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Just research on your own,
And you will plainly see,
It is a stack of lies,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Within the Mormon Church?
We ask it with concern,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
3. When I began to think,
To really use my brain,
The question would arise,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
The Mormons just accept
Whatever they are told,
They cling to all the lies,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Within the Mormon Church?
We ask it with concern,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
4. The truth has set me free,
For I have walked away,
And now I ask myself,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
The Mormons are not wise
To blindly just accept

The doctrine they are taught,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Who’s really thinking? Who?
Within the Mormon Church?
We ask it with concern,
Who’s really thinking? Who?
© Diane Tingen, 2/28/2013

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