Friday, April 5, 2013


In thinking about Mormonism, so many cliches, idioms and phrases come to mind, such as: (1) Jumping to conclusions; (2) Burying their heads in the sand; (3) Turning a blind eye; (4) Turning a deaf ear; (5) Grasping at straws; etc.

Of course, many Mormons think that anyone who leaves the Mormon Church is going to hell in a handbasket. Naturally, TBMs think that all Ex-Mormons have an axe to grind, that we are all loose cannons, and have seriously lost our marbles. They seem to constantly be jumping to conclusions about Ex-Mormons' motives, state of mind, and even morals.

Sadly, though, discussing subjects relating to Mormonism with most Mormons is not a level playing field because so many have absolutely no idea about the real facts surrounding Mormon Church History or that it is extremely sordid. Many TBMs also have limited information about the realities of Mormon teachings and doctrines. Even if they do listen, they quickly jump to the conclusion that what Ex-Mormons are really talking about is simply all smoke and mirrors and that Ex-Mormons are trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

So many TBMs simply go along and turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to anything even slightly negative about the Mormonism. "There's none so blind as those who will not see" (and likewise, there's none so deaf as will not hear). Essentially, they seem to spend their time burying their heads in the sand, refusing to even look at other viewpoints. Also, so many seem to grasp at straws, rationalizing their way through Mormonism and its obvious problems, attempting to invent a way to color it all in a positive light.

So here is my 93rd LDS Hymn Parody, dedicated to one of the exercises that all TBMs seem to get a lot of...

Sung to the tune of True to the Faith - #254

1. While the Mormon Church continues
To attempt to hide details
All about its sordid history,
In the end, the truth prevails. Yes!!

Grasping at straws as the Mormons refuse to see,
They just believe what they’re told to obediently.
It’s full of lies, there’s no disguise,
And for the truth, there’s no compromise.

2. The deception is apparent
If you open up your eyes.
Do some independent research
And the lies you’ll recognize. Yes!!

Grasping at straws as the Mormons refuse to see,
They just believe what they’re told to obediently.
It’s full of lies, there’s no disguise,
And for the truth, there’s no compromise.

3. It is clear that Mormonism
Was a hoax right from the start.
Was made up by Brother Joseph
With deception off the chart. Yes!!

Grasping at straws as the Mormons refuse to see,
They just believe what they’re told to obediently.
It’s full of lies, there’s no disguise,
And for the truth, there’s no compromise.

4. How they market Mormonism
Saying it’s the Word of God,
Is a ploy to gain new members,
Mormonism is a fraud. Yes!!

Grasping at straws as the Mormons refuse to see,
They just believe what they’re told to obediently.
It’s full of lies, there’s no disguise,

And for the truth, there’s no compromise.

© Diane Tingen, 4/4/2013

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