Saturday, May 25, 2013

LDS HYMN PARODIES #97, 98, 99, 100 and 101

As I have gotten nearer to the #100 mark in my writing of LDS Hymn Parodies, it seems that my brain has gone into overdrive - because in the past two days, I have written FIVE of these parodies. The minute I finished one, another one began writing itself in my mind. Of course, in reality, these parodies always seem to write themselves. Or perhaps it's just the way my mind works since, as my daughter recently told me, I apparently have a gift for blasphemy.

After I finished these five LDS hymn parodies, I was going to post each one separately, but then I decided to post them all together as a testament to not only reaching my goal, but surpassing it. Of course, now I'm going to have to set a new goal (which is becoming much more difficult since I've done so many already). But I'm up to the challenge...

LDS Hymn Parody #97
Sung to the tune of The Time is Far Spent - #266

With lies at its core, there is little remaining
To bolster its claims that it is the true church.
Then hasten, ye Mormons, go forward unyielding,
Despite what they tell you, just do some research,
Despite what they tell you, just do some research.

For years, I believed and accepted the teachings,
Whatever they said was the truth, I agreed.
Just followed the doctrine, no critical thinking,
Relying on faith was my ultimate creed,
Relying on faith was my ultimate creed.

But then realized that within Mormonism
Are mountains of lies and deception complete.
I knew in an instant, much more than a symptom,
So clearly I saw it, the fraud and deceit,
So clearly I saw it, the fraud and deceit.

So patently clear, there is nothing redeeming
In holding out lies as though they are correct.
Throughout Mormonism, the members deceiving
With fraudulent teachings, the truth they neglect,
With fraudulent teachings, the truth they neglect.

© Diane Tingen, 5/23/2013

LDS Hymn Parody #98
Sung to the tune of The Lord is my Shepherd - #108

The truth is my linchpin; please don’t tell me lies.
Don’t feed me deception, and tell me it’s true.
Just give me the truth and don’t try to disguise
Whatever the facts are, the truth will shine through,
Whatever the facts are, the truth will shine through.

I was born and raised Mormon, and just went along,
Whatever they told me, in faith I believed.
Though I had some issues, I tried to stay strong,
But then I discovered that I’d been deceived,
But then I discovered that I’d been deceived.

As I went through the teachings of the Mormon Church,
My mind filled with questions; it didn’t make sense.
And so as I studied and did some research,
The questions were answered, it’s filled with pretense,
The questions were answered, it’s filled with pretense.

© Diane Tingen, 5/23/2013

LDS Hymn Parody #99
Sung to the tune of Secret Prayer - #144

1. When I began to have some doubts,
I soon would realize
That Mormonism is not true,
In fact, it’s draped in lies.

There’s no truth within the church,
Found the facts through my research.
Very clear, it’s filled with lies,
And there is no compromise.

2. So now I have no doubts at all,
And there is no disguise.
No question it’s a total fraud,
And clearly draped in lies.

There’s no truth within the church,
Found the facts through my research.
Very clear, it’s filled with lies,
And there is no compromise.

3.For many years, my faith was strong,
But much to my surprise,
When I began to question it,
I found it’s draped in lies.

There’s no truth within the church,
Found the facts through my research.
Very clear, it’s filled with lies,
And there is no compromise.

4.I used to simply go along,
Although that wasn’t wise.
Because when I researched it all,
So plainly draped in lies.

Very clear, it's filled with lies,
And though they try to disguise
All the facts, deception deep,
No one buys it but the sheep.

© Diane Tingen, 5/23/2013

LDS Hymn Parody #100
Sung to the tune of I Have Enough Work to Do - #224

If you look objectively,
You will find the truth.
Do some research carefully,
You will find the truth.
Every question will be answered
That by which you have been bothered,
All the qualms that you have whispered,
You will find the truth.

If the doctrines you appraise,
As you seek the truth,
As you sort through Mormon ways,
When you seek the truth.
Every time you have felt censored,
Each resentment you have harbored,
As for comfort you have hungered
When you seek the truth.

If you open up your eyes,
As you seek the truth,
You’ll see there’s no compromise
As you seek the truth.
Every time you have felt pressured
By the issues you have pondered,
As your confidence is bolstered,
You will find the truth.

If you see that it’s a fraud,
As you seek the truth,
Recognize its false façade,
As you seek the truth.
When you see the lies you’ve weathered,
You may feel your world is shattered,
But you’ll see it’s truth that mattered,
When you find the truth.

© Diane Tingen, 5/24/2013

LDS Hymn Parody #101
Sung to the tune of Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - #72

Search for the truth and don’t settle for pitiful answers.
Think for yourself and examine each one of the layers.
It’s filled with lies,
And there is no compromise
For all the obvious errors.

Search for the truth and discard the apparent deception.
Study it all as you look closely at every question.
The Mormon Church
Cannot stand up to research,
Look at the history and doctrine.

Searching for truthfulness in Mormonism is pointless,
So clear in my mind that all of the doctrine is bogus.
It is a fraud,
It is not the Word of God,
Built on a fraudulent premise.

Search for the truth and rely on your own intuition,
As you review it, look closely at each contradiction.
Then you will see
And then perhaps you’ll agree
That Mormonism is fiction.

© Diane Tingen, 5/24/2013

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