Sunday, April 5, 2015


Today is Easter Sunday - and it is also the Mormon Church's 185th Semi-Annual General Conference in Salt Lake City.  In the Christian World, Easter is a very sacred day - but in the Mormon World, it is apparently a day to condemn and attack.  So far, there have been numerous different Conference speeches that have mentioned "real families" consisting of a marriage of only one man and one woman.  Apparently, L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve stressed the importance of opposing homosexuality, and also said, "We want our voice to be heard against all of the counterfeit and alternative lifestyles that try to replace the family organization that God Himself established."

Wow.  Counterfeit?  Obviously a case of the pot calling the kettle black.  The Mormon Church was founded by a man who, during his tenure as President and Prophet of that bogus organization, married at least 33 women, including 11 teenage girls and 10 women who were already married to living husbands - and he constantly lied about it.  Of course, after that man's death, another man took over his legacy and upped him considerably, marrying 55 women. Just how "Counterfeit" can you get?  After researching the sordid history of the Mormon Church and examining its "doctrines," it is clear to me that Mormonism is not only counterfeit, but also a scam, a fraud, and a totally bogus religious organization.

The dictionary defines "counterfeit" as:  "an imitation intended to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; forgery."  In my opinion, that is exactly what Joseph Smith did when he founded Mormonism - created a bogus organization which he passed off fraudulently and deceptive as genuine. 

The Mormon Church never ceases to amaze me.  "Judge not, lest ye be judged" obviously means nothing to them.  "Live and let live" is also a lost concept.  The Mormon Church's hardline stance against gay and lesbians has caused massive damage to the psyches of so many gay Mormons, to the point of many committing suicide.  And yet they continue to berate and attempt to demean those individuals.  Not Christ-like at all.

And so, here is my 111th LDS hymn parody, set to the Easter-themed hymn, "He is Risen."

Mormonism, Mormonism,
Feel the love in all they say.
They condemn and spout their venom
At "apostates" every day.
Yet they say in solemn voice,
Praise the Lord, let us rejoice.

Christ-like love is touted loudly,
Loving everyone alike.
Yet their words are very empty
As they criticize and strike.
Such self-righteous hypocrites,
Calling others counterfeits.

Mormonism, Mormonism,
Counterfeit, a total scam.
Its true nature, hard to fathom,
But they just don’t give a damn.
As they talk on Easter Day,
It’s not love that they display.

© Diane Tingen, 4/5/2015

1 comment:

  1. Your poetry reminds me of my poetry except yours are better: for example

    Joseph Smith

    The Church of Jesus Christ
    of the Saints of Latter days,
    The Church that often lies
    to the children it does raise,

    The prophet Joseph Smith
    Every Mormon knows his name,
    it's too bad he was a con
    He really was quite lame,

    prophet Joseph had 40 wives
    Some of them he did rape,
    Joseph also threaten some
    none I know did escape,

    the book of Mormon is a fake
    From imaginary golden plates,
    it even got the grammar wrong
    Joseph Smith could not translate,
