Thursday, July 16, 2015

STUCK IN DENIAL - LDS Hymn Parody #116

Looking back, I am amazed at how long I hung in there, even when all the signs were pointing to the fact that the teachings and doctrines of the Mormon Church are completely bogus.  Of course, a large part of the reason for me adopting that stance was the Mormon Church's mantra that basically tells its members that if they are doubting certain teachings and doctrines of Mormonism, they need to be more humble, pray more, read the scriptures more, and attend church more - and then whatever doubts they are having will disappear.  In other words, you are the problem, not Mormonism.

Of course, this warped logic is pounded into every member's head, either consciously or subconsciously, to the point where their brains decide that going along is better than the alternatives.  And so they become STUCK IN DENIAL, grasping at straws and sticking their hands in the sand in order to avoid actually confronting the inherent problem, which is that upon actual examination, it becomes apparent that Mormonism is a total fraud.

One of the places where this Mormon mantra has been captured in scriptural terms via the Book of Mormon is in Moroni 10: 4-5, which says: 
4. And when we shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5.  And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. 
So right there, in scriptural form, everyone is told exactly how it is, in no uncertain terms.  Basically what this scripture is telling us is that if we do not get the manifestation that "these things are true," then it is because (1) we didn't ask with a sincere heart; (2) didn't have real intent; or (3) don't have sufficient faith in Christ.  Of course, this philosophy has parlayed itself into all things Mormon, and not just the Book of Mormon itself. 

Being "Stuck in Denial" is not a pleasant place to be. Denial certainly isn't productive.  Someone who is in denial basically accepts things as they are presented without delving into any foundation, background or basis for those teachings.  They accept whatever explanation is given - or not given - as the gospel truth.  They dare not scratch the surface to reveal anything underneath.  And they naively believe that those telling them "how it is" have no ulterior motives. 

When I finally extricated myself from the grasp of denial, I realized that I had been blindly following a bogus religion for my entire life. Not an easy thing to admit. When I finally was able to muster the strength to actually leave Mormonism behind, I finally felt free not only from the exhausting mental gymnastics I had been playing for so long but from the grasp of DENIAL itself.

So here is my 116th LDS Hymn Parody, dedicated to the state of DENIAL in which every Mormon has to dwell in order to continue to accept the obviously bogus tenets of Mormonism.  

Sung to the tune of Faith of Our Fathers – #84

1. Stuck in denial, clinging still
In spite of signals, proof and fact.
Oh, how their minds reject details
When with the truth they interact.
Stuck in denial, masquerade,
The Mormon Church, a huge charade.

2. Stuck in denial, nothing learned
When just believing what they say.
And through the truth, you will be free
From all the games the Mormons play.
Stuck in denial, masquerade,
The Mormon Church, a huge charade.

3. Stuck in denial nevermore,
Finally saw through the web of lies.
So many years, just went along,
But now there is no compromise.
Stuck in denial, masquerade,
The Mormon Church, a huge charade.

© Diane Tingen

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