Tuesday, August 25, 2015

AMAZING LIES - Hymn Parody #118

Well, I wrote this hymn parody to Amazing Grace, and then discovered that it's not in the LDS Hymn Book.  I really thought it was, but I guess based on what the Mormon Church teaches about grace, they decided not to include it.  After all, the Book of Mormon talks about grace "after all we can do," emphasizing that grace alone does not save a person.

On, this appears on the page about GRACE:

The Book of Mormon teaches, "For we labor diligently to write to persuade our children, and also our brethren to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace we are saved after all we can do (2 Nephi 25:23).  A Book of Mormon prophet named Lehi taught, "There is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah" (2 Nephi 2:8).

See this link: 

But regardless of the fact that this beautiful hymn is not contained in the LDS Hymn Book, I decided to parody it for the ExMormon Hymn Book anyway since it's a well-known hymn in actual Christianity.

Some of the lyrics to Amazing Grace apply completely to my Exit from Mormonism, such as:
"I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see."  Believe me, that one line says a lot.

And yes, true to the title of this hymn parody, the lies encompassed within Mormonism are truly AMAZING - thanks mainly to the creative imagination of Joseph Smith.  As I have made very clear within this blog (as well as my book, Closing the Door on Mormonism: The AHA! Moments that Triggered my Awakening), it is my firm belief that Mormonism was made up from the get-go by "dear ol' Joe," and that it has been perpetuated through the years with the aid of many others.

In my opinion, not only were Brigham Young, Hyrum Smith, John Taylor, Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and so on, accomplices to Joe's deception, but the current GAs in SLC are also complicit in the deception that is embodied within Mormonism.  I have no doubt but that they know for a fact that it is a complete fraud, but they keep hanging in there, defending it to their dying breaths, in order to get their share of the pie.

So I dedicate this hymn parody to all of the men (and women) who have worked so hard to preserve Mormonism to this day, as well as to all the TBMs who buy into the deception and keep paying their tithing, thereby lining the pockets of the 15 Mormon Men Who Call The Shots.

Sung to the tune of Amazing Grace

Amazing lies the Mormons tell,
Say it’s the Word of God.
But if you look at what they sell,
So clearly it’s a fraud.

‘Twas lies that made me finally see
That truth is nowhere seen
Within their ideology,
Deceptiveness routine.

Through many struggles and discord,
I found myself confused.
‘Tis through the research I explored
My turmoil was defused.

The search for truth began for me
When doubt entered my mind.
Discovered sordid history,
Deception intertwined.

Though it was hard to close the door,
I knew I had no choice.
Denial gone, suppressed no more,
No silencing my voice.

Amazing lies the Mormons tell,
Say it’s the Word of God.
But if you look at what they sell,
So clearly it’s a fraud.

© Diane Tingen, 8/25/2015

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