LDS Hymn Parodies - F

Sung to the tune of As I Search the Holy Scriptures, #277

Families are so important,
By the Mormon Church defined
As eternally connected,
Ever with their lives entwined.

Temple wedding ceremonies
Should include the families
Even if they’re not all Mormon,
Please remove the boundaries.

Just allowing civil unions
To take place before they’re sealed
In a Mormon Temple wedding
Would consideration yield.

Far too many are excluded,
It is time for compromise.
Changing things to show compassion
Would go far in people’s eyes.

© Diane Tingen, 7/11/2011

LDS Hymn Book, #300

I have a family here on earth,
They are so dear to me,
But they believe that I won’t be
With them eternally.

Families can be together forever
In Christianity.
Though Mormons all believe
The doctrines they receive,
Yet I know the Lord still loves me, too,
I know the Lord still loves me, too.

I have a daughter and a son,
So special and unique.
But when they marry, I won’t hear
The vows that they will speak.

Families can be together forever,
As Mormons testify.
But there’s a cruel ban,
Through Mormonism’s plan,
So I won't be able to attend
Because the Mormon Church won't bend.

© Diane Tingen and Jean Bodie, 7/5/2011

Sung to the tune of Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains, #212

Far, far away from the life I once knew,
Opened my eyes and the truth came into view.
Mormon no more, Mormon no more,
Mormon no more, I have closed the door
On the lies they fed to me,
On the lies they fed to me.

For many years, I believed what they said,
But then I started to use my brain instead.
Mormon no more, Mormon no more,
Mormon no more, I have closed the door
On the lies they fed to me,
On the lies they fed to me.

Told to have faith when I started to doubt,
But as I struggled, I just wanted to shout
What a buffoon, what a buffoon,
What a buffoon, I must be a loon
To believe the lies they teach,
To believe the lies they teach.

Now I'm upset that I stayed for so long,
Not realizing the party line is wrong.
Mormon no more, Mormon no more,
Mormon no more, but I know the score,
It’s not what it claims to be,
It’s not what it claims to be.

© Diane Tingen, 6/6/2011

Sung to the tune of An Angel from on High - #13

The 15 Mormon men
Who call the shots today
Are really just a joke
With all the games they play.
Enforcing laws and making rules
When they are just a bunch of tools.
Enforcing laws and making rules
When they are just a bunch of tools.

There’s Monson and Uchtdorf,
And Eyring at the top.
With others in the Twelve,
A truly frightful crop.
They’re out of touch and very old,
Their hands and hearts extremely cold.
They’re out of touch and very old,
Their hands and hearts extremely cold.

It’s very clear to me
That all the 15 men
Know that it’s a fraud
But they all say Amen.
They spew the Mormon Party Line
As truthfulness they redefine.
They spew the Mormon Party Line
As truthfulness they redefine.

With Boyd K. Packer gone,
His reign of terror through.
A truly dreadful man
Who ugliness would spew.
And all the awful things he said,
His legacy now that he’s dead.
And all the awful things he said,
His legacy now that he’s dead.

But in the Mormon Church,
Such venom is revered.
And those like BKP
Are not considered weird.
And so the others follow course,
And ride the same old tired horse.
And so the others follow course,
And ride the same old tired horse.

© Diane Tingen


Sung to the tune of For the Beauty of the Earth, #92

For the beauty of the truth,
Sorting through apparent lies.
Seeing that it’s all made up,
Facts that brought me much surprise.
Truth is what it’s all about,
Knowing without any doubt.

For the beauty of the facts,
Recognizing every clue.
When the evidence is there,
Standing up for what is true.
Truth is what it’s all about,

Knowing without any doubt.

Finding truth, a worthy search,
Ripping off the veiled disguise.
Finally seeing what is false,
Then discarding all the lies.
Truth is what it’s all about,
Knowing without any doubt.

For the joy of feeling free,
Living an authentic life.

Finally facing all the facts,
Free from all the pain and strife.
Mormonism is not true,
So I bid it all adieu.

© Diane Tingen, 5/29/2012

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