But then, it's like the meme says that is posted on my other blog - (http:/exmormonhymnbook.blogspot.com) -
"LDS Hymn Parodies - Because they're just asking for it."As anyone who follows my LDS Hymn Parodies knows, Joseph Smith is the subject of many of them - and rightly so, since he's the man who made the whole thing up, out of thin air. In studying history, it is very clear that Joseph was a scoundrel and a shyster. He was a charlatan, a treasure seeker, always out for a quick buck. According to history, he was also very charismatic, and it was because of that charisma that he was able to convince a lot of people that he was a Prophet and Seer. Indeed, Joseph found his goldmine in creating Mormonism - and in doing so, he gained power and control over a lot of people. Because of that power, he was even able to create and practice Polygamy and Polyandry, coercing many young girls and women to become one of his 33 wives.
And so, here is my 86th LDS Hymn Parody, dedicated to "Brother Joseph."
Sung to the tune of Israel, Israel, God is Calling - #7
Joseph, Joseph, what a scoundrel,
He created such a fraud.
Mormonism was his angle,
Touted as the Word of God.
Pure deception, pure deception,
Just a hoax, a false façade.
Pure deception, pure deception,
Just a hoax, a false façade.
He created such a fraud.
Mormonism was his angle,
Touted as the Word of God.
Pure deception, pure deception,
Just a hoax, a false façade.
Pure deception, pure deception,
Just a hoax, a false façade.
Joseph, Joseph, what a shyster,
Not a Prophet and a Seer.
He was clearly an imposter,
Not a tiny bit sincere.
Do some research, do some research,
All the facts are crystal clear.
Do some research, do some research,
All the facts are crystal clear.
Not a Prophet and a Seer.
He was clearly an imposter,
Not a tiny bit sincere.
Do some research, do some research,
All the facts are crystal clear.
Do some research, do some research,
All the facts are crystal clear.
Joseph, Mormons still revere you,
Worship you, their Prophet dear.
Faced with truth, they loudly argue,
Close their ears so they can’t hear.
Mormonism, Mormonism,
False religion, very clear.
Mormonism, Mormonism,
False religion, very clear.
Worship you, their Prophet dear.
Faced with truth, they loudly argue,
Close their ears so they can’t hear.
Mormonism, Mormonism,
False religion, very clear.
Mormonism, Mormonism,
False religion, very clear.
Joseph, Joseph, very callous,
Made it up, no truth at all.
Mormonism, clearly bogus,
Really was the height of gall.
So deceptive, so deceptive,
Truth is written on the wall.
So deceptive, so deceptive,
Truth is written on the wall.
Made it up, no truth at all.
Mormonism, clearly bogus,
Really was the height of gall.
So deceptive, so deceptive,
Truth is written on the wall.
So deceptive, so deceptive,
Truth is written on the wall.
© Diane Tingen, 02/22/2013
Everyone can leave the church, but they just can't leave the church alone. Are you really filled with so much hate? Any religion, LDS or not, preaches love. Where is yours?
Pyrous - you talk about "love" in the context of religion. Yes, most religions in general teach love. But the Mormon Church lies to people about its origin and teachings. Very hypocritical. And you also asked whether I am really filled with so much hate. I don't consider myself to be "filled with hate," but on the other hand, I do hate being lied to, being duped, being led to believe that what I was being told for 52 years was the truth. So to find out it wasn't is very distressing to me. Rather than simply spouting rhetoric, perhaps it would be better to look closely at the claims made by the church you're defending. Then you just might agree with me.
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